viernes, diciembre 30, 2005

Finally Over [F.U.C.R. mix]

The things I didn't mention:

Linescan and the "macuarritos de la plaza monarca"
Willy the Kid's E.D.
Amor De Metal
Yoshi Rider [F.U.C.R. detonator]
The Trojan Girl [F.U.C.R. detonator]
Miss T [F.U.C.R. detonator]
Neoclasicismo Bin Laden's Puppets
The Other goes
Miss T's bros [R.I.P.]
Evil [park tears, beach beer & Tony Montana's house]
Ring Master's vomit [And Pigeon Caballitos]
Star Wars
Fucker Kong
25th Hour
RoomMates Summer
Tarantino Atack!
War Of The Worlds
Mr. Pigeon
Willy the Kid's S.O.
ShuShoe's Tears & hugs
Noche the Paz
F.U.C.R. voladore
Birthday with the Enemy
The reveal of the next F.U.C.R.
Emily Rose

Mention this to me
Mention something, mention anything
... and watch the weather change.

jueves, diciembre 08, 2005

no more

este blog se creo con propositos de alimentar una teoria que surgio de la mente de 4 personas en la ciudad de tijuana.
Hoy en dia lejos de llegar al proposito, este es un llamado al consejo, para que pongan reglas y moderemos los posts por que asi no vamos a llegar a ningun lado

Wait untill I'm old enough

And I can bust a load on you!

miércoles, diciembre 07, 2005


It's over...
Another semester it's over and we are kidda different...
In some ways, it was a good semester, in others... well no so much...
The good thing is that it didn't beat the FUCR 4th...
It's almost the end of the year, I don't know how it will end, but...
This, 2005, is indeed "THE FUCR YEAR"...
Remember that, after this year we're all different people in alot ways...
Or at least, the community is different...
For good or for bad.