domingo, octubre 30, 2005

fuck the fucr

ya estoy hasta la madre con esto
maldito sea el dia en el que me meti en esta pinche cadenita de mierda

my hero

hoy dedico este post a my heroe
i hope you dont forget me, and forgvie me i love you

fucr has me

fuck, love has me <----- im deep into fucr, never felt like it

you know what?, i think we are starting to like the FUCR status, ¿are we sick?

sábado, octubre 29, 2005

SHADOW CHRONICLES (Part I, The Beginning)

Curiosas son las cosas en este mundo, en el que todos (o casi todos) tienen una historia que contar. Al principio todo era insípido y sin color. Nadie consideraba nada, nadie consideraba a nadie. Éramos simples sobrevivientes de un tiempo habitual; entrábamos, aprendíamos, a veces interactuábamos... y al final del día cada quien para cual. Eso fue en su mayoría, (no me es posible dejar de exagerar) porque en esta historia no caben los absolutos.

Después del principio, no mucho tiempo después, surgieron los buenos momentos, por accidente quizás, lo cual los hacia mas apreciados, pero aun así, carentes de sana frecuencia. Y así se dio... unos por allí... y otros por allá. Todo así se empezó a ser bueno. Las alianzas se formaron y las murallas se edificaron, como una cadena de fronteras abiertas, pero aún así, nunca dejaron de ser fronteras.


How to: survive the FUCR...

"Una tarde calida de verano en la estepa rusa, humo por todas partes, la hierba seca y ardiendo, dos ejércitos que han perdido toda cohesión caminando lenta y pesadamente, muertos de sed, aterrorizados por sus vidas.
Cientos de miles de hombres sin caras, sin voz, atrapados en el escenario de una carnicería, repitiendo noche tras noche su marcha hacia delante y hacia atrás a través de esa estepa calcinada en medio del hedor a azufre y a sangre: un infierno en el que me sumerjo cada vez que cierro los ojos."
"Vivir, dijo Marco Aurelio, exige el talento del luchador, no del bailarín. Basta con mantenerse de pie: no hacen falta pasos hermosos."

fucr @ simposium: the empire strikes back

well as we know, we are pawns, and we are to become heroes, heroes are people who stand against the goddamn dirt and scum of this society

they will hear about us

viernes, octubre 28, 2005


YEAH baby!!!, 2 week is what WE have until the trainings starts, so now you know my friend, when you come back to the promise land of the FUCR, WE will work out until there's no you anymore, man, I'm euphoric, I want to have the helmet on!, I want the hits, the pain, the everything, the moments that make me forget about everything and everyone!, man I want to kick some ass!!!

Ok, now back to time, o the morning... so I met this girl, which I wanted to meet for some time now, just curious, nothing special, and she's very cool :), I still don't figure out some things I wanna know, but it's cool.

Then, I eat more quesaburro!!!, with sangria of course, and then insted of Dr. Peper, I drink Canada Dry... let me tell you, I met alot of girls today, jajaja, I almost wish to go back to high school :P, but thats not the point, the point is that, I eat Quesaburro, which was the hole purpose of me comin back to the Lazaro, that and to remember the old times...

Something curious happen today, the people of my school think that I look like a high school kid, and so the high school kids, but it's ok, I think...

So the mein and myself save the team asses, we did in like an hour the hole work, so we pull it out, that was cool...

I didn't find Willy the Kid, and I stay without the consult... sorry to the girls!...

PD: Sorry, but I can't stop!!!

fucr @ simposium

well we know the fucr is in you after all, so it follows you wherever you go, this time it strikes at the sun palace "mexicali" it drains everything on you, damn, bad memories of bad times no good

jueves, octubre 27, 2005

The good times!

Today I remember the good times, the Quesaburro and Sangria times, the Dr. Peper times!, Oh those times!, people still do a rage against Olguin thing, just like I expected, and the school has some changes, but still some nice girls...
So I was like promoting the official FUCR career, temptating the young students to join the Dark Side, just like always...
They have this Irish dance, VERY cool thing to watch, my respect to them, the guys seem a little weird, but its ok, some nice chick there... seriously VERY cool...

2 class of 3D, not much happen, 5 minutes of instructions...

Design was cool, Messenger is a cool way to talk to the people next to you, plus, people were telling the true about Mr. Pigeon to the teacher, cool...

I look smart in OS... wow, haha...

PD: OH my god!!!, I'm not worried yet, I think I still maintain control over things... but man is still there, I know it...

miércoles, octubre 26, 2005

Oh Mr. Pigeon!

First, I get late to my 3D class... I'm sorry, but my car need it the wash, and the checking the tires thing... but I had my first physical contact with Livewave, which was cool...

I play a lot of Starcraft, as yesterday...

Mr. Pigeon stressed me out SO BAD, first he gets late, then he didnt hurry up, and he lasted just TOO much there, so, he took me one HOUR without getting something to eat, I was starving!!!...

My CPC class is so cool, first the teacher let me and mr enano go to eat something, then, like 20 minutes later we get to class, which lasted for another 30 minutes, then we started to watch funny TV commercials and some Family Guy videos, and some Chris Rock, and all the Star Wars Kid videos that we could find, thanks to an American Dad video, so we spend the last HOUR on that, pretty cool right?...

Tomorrow going back to Lazaro!!!, Quezaburros here I come!!!

PD: It doesn't go, it never did... but as before, I think I don't want it away...

martes, octubre 25, 2005

The 59...

59 is the number of the period for OS, lame I know, but I'm on track now...

My dear friend... thank you for leaving us without a notice, myself and the mein didn't do anything, it wasn't your fault, but, F you for crushing our dreams of greatness...

I'm so stupid, that I actually think that thing were getting on track (different subject), like I said to myself before, thing will never be the same, and like before, it is true, but fuck it...

So, tomorrow, 3D, UABC, I think is going to be a good day, I'm too positive these last weeks, maybe getting out of exile was the best thing I could do...

lunes, octubre 24, 2005


Thats what I need, but no one wants to give me that!
OK, I should do it myself, but is harder that way...
Plus, I just give up to the other matter, and that just fucked up,
I don't want any questions of mr. C, FUCK the C, is just too much...
And I'm coming back, coming back, FUCK twice!, these memories!
The good thing is that I wont ended like last time, thats cool, but, man... get that off my head!!!

domingo, octubre 23, 2005

the fucr
my dear friend
doesnt like personal status, it tears you down to dust


Esta es la semana, una nueva perspectiva se creara, lo que pasa, dia a dia en IDGD, pasara a la historia de una manera distinta, con 3 perspectivas distintas, es hora...

Algunos previews:
+El exilio termino, asi com asi, sin remordimientos, pero sin olvidar todo lo sucedido, las palabras se vuelven a cruzar y casi como si nada pasara o hubiera pasado, es algo bueno que me tiene MUY feliz, como una lombriz... aunque eso no parece ir con FUCR, es una situacion creadora directamente del FUCR... que ironia...
+SO es una materia perdida en lo que este mes consiste, y hay que trabajar para no perder el semestre, lo cual seria inaceptable.
+Los Dulces como grupo es solo una idea, en realidad, somos Dulces, pero no agrupados...

Creo que solo eso recuerdo por el momento... el diario comienza mañana.

martes, octubre 18, 2005

When lack of knowledge attacks!

Something happens when you just don't know shit about the class you are in...
and it's not good, when others are showing the work, you probably are sleep or look stupid stuff on google...
Java has only contribute to the virus.

domingo, octubre 16, 2005

exposed in the light

mientras unos usan el u.h.u. otros usan el libido para pegar su vida
cada quien de su vida hace un cacahuate

a magic speel has been put upon us... the fucr sindrome is collapsing our life style we must never be apart, we should get this straight and put our shit togheter so we can break the spell.. word...

sábado, octubre 15, 2005


Fucked Up Chain Reaction owns our souls...

Stage 1, Day 1: Preparation.

Come back and see the truth, the pain, the lies, the fight, the facts and the reality behind the smiles.