viernes, octubre 28, 2005


YEAH baby!!!, 2 week is what WE have until the trainings starts, so now you know my friend, when you come back to the promise land of the FUCR, WE will work out until there's no you anymore, man, I'm euphoric, I want to have the helmet on!, I want the hits, the pain, the everything, the moments that make me forget about everything and everyone!, man I want to kick some ass!!!

Ok, now back to time, o the morning... so I met this girl, which I wanted to meet for some time now, just curious, nothing special, and she's very cool :), I still don't figure out some things I wanna know, but it's cool.

Then, I eat more quesaburro!!!, with sangria of course, and then insted of Dr. Peper, I drink Canada Dry... let me tell you, I met alot of girls today, jajaja, I almost wish to go back to high school :P, but thats not the point, the point is that, I eat Quesaburro, which was the hole purpose of me comin back to the Lazaro, that and to remember the old times...

Something curious happen today, the people of my school think that I look like a high school kid, and so the high school kids, but it's ok, I think...

So the mein and myself save the team asses, we did in like an hour the hole work, so we pull it out, that was cool...

I didn't find Willy the Kid, and I stay without the consult... sorry to the girls!...

PD: Sorry, but I can't stop!!!

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