jueves, noviembre 17, 2005

FUCR times

They been here for a little while, now I feeling the weight, and whats comin' is bigger, tonight I can kill something, I wanna break stuff, so much fuckin' anger on me!, I feeling like I need to hate something or someone, I need some hitting or some isolation, I think we all need it...
We need a time apart fro each other, you always do, comes a time we you just need not to be around some people, I got these 2 times a year, maybe 3, and it's good for the mental health...
Maybe I'm just tired, but from what?...
From the day?
From School?
From th Bullshit of some people?
Fuck it, let's face it:
"Everyone's expendable and no-one has a real friend"
"Everyone's a killer"
Now I wanna go away...

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