sábado, noviembre 12, 2005

Le vol FUCR!!!

What a simple movie for some teach us a lot to us, in fact more than we even think about...
You see this movie and what you see is a proof that F.U.C.R. is, was and will be everywhere...
One day, you are the happiest man on earth, the next?, there is a war on you country and you and your gay brother are drag off your family to fight the war, killin' someone with a rock, passing to the other side, being a communist and having face the flying F.U.C.R., yeah, you know them, those plains that when they are hit, they must explote in your face, just to fuck you up...
What a bummer...
In other news, yesterday was the B-Day of a very special person...
In some other news... I'm hungry...
"So I need you to find
a comfortable space,
that is not only comfortable,
but vulnerable.
I want you to shut your eyes and go there,
and I'll meet you on the other side..."

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