sábado, noviembre 12, 2005

Traitor to the Cause!

The downside of damage control was that I knew I would need to mix up with the rest of them in a very awkward-user-friendly manner. Not that it matters, but at least I would prove my point not to anyone but to my self. After all... what do they know about anything besides what’s up with their spoiled-selfish-look at me I'm here-define me-define me-love me-love me-I need love-fucked up existence?

In other news: We came, we set down, we got up, we leaved and we said to ourselves: "What a wonderful world!"

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So we went. Beggbie, Sickboy and I... we did had expectations of our own to make the day a little lighter.-Wake up, its your nick.... wake up, we're here!- Fucr! When will you let me sleep in peace! And when all I wanted to do was lie along and feel sorry for myself, we saw some nice people on the way (It's always good to have a little Carmen to cheer the moment) so we even became to expect more and lowered our defenses... everything was going according to plan, were we not supoust to?

After struggling for a few minutes, Sickboy realized he had no resources at all, so that really got us into fucr mode… until Beggbie decided to exchange some DVD fun to spend some time with the misfortune. "No more Tickets" they said... fuck it! Didn't want no pinchis tickets anyway! After all, our fucker destiny decided something better for ourselves, he decided to show us the F.U.C.R. unifying theory of life. And damn! That was some serious gourmet shit! Me and the fuckers woulda been satisfied with some demon-possed Taster's Choice, right? And he springs this serious gourmet shit on us. What flavor is this? It is the... "El Fucker Volador" flavor... tasty! It also gave me the idea of carrying a rock in my back pack everyday (you have no idea how much fun you can get with it)... you know, just in case.

Your not spouse to expect an answer from your brother's skull man!


Too much to learn in just one movie... but I will not talk about that for the moment, I leave the rest of it to the others. What happens from here its oup to them. After all, it's 2:15 and I have to go take my shot, otherwise Ill start hearing them voices again.

Damn it, they're here... I gotta go!

Did you hear that?

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